Il governo indiano ha lanciato una campagna diretta alle donne affinché rifiutino le proposte di matrimonio degli uomini sprovvisti di gabinetto, nel tentativo di ridurre il numero di cagatori all'aperto in un Paese dove ci sono più telefoni cellulari (900 milioni, tre quarti della popolazione) che abitazioni col cesso collegato alle fognature (11%)

Indian government launches 'no toilet, no bride' campaign. The Indian government has launched a 'no toilet, no bride' campaign, telling women to reject potential suitors if they cannot provide an inside lavatory. The comments were made by India's controversial rural development minister, Jairam Ramesh, who recently angered Hindus by pointing out there were more temples than lavatories for the country's 1.2 billion people. In a speech to villagers in Rajasthan, he said it wasn't enough for families to check astrological charts to decide if a young man is suitable, they should also inspect his closet. "You consult astrologers about rahu-ketu (the alignment of sun and moon) before getting married. You should also look whether there is a toilet in your groom's home before you decide don't get married in a house where there is no toilet," he warned. His comments are part of a series of speeches and schemes to increase the number of indoor lavatories in a country where more have a mobile phone than a lavatory. More than 900 million – 75 per cent of the population – has a mobile phone subscription in India, while only half of its households have a lavatory, according to last year's census. Only 11 per cent of homes have a lavatory connected to the sewerage system. The problem is worse for India's women, many of whom are forced to rise before dawn to do their ablutions under cover of darkness. There have been a number of cases reported recently of women being raped or assaulted while searching for somewhere to go to the lavatory. A spokesman for the minister said Mr Ramesh will continue making his call in a series of speeches throughout the country. "We need to remove the open defecation system. This is a continuing campaign to eradicate it," he said. Brindeshwar Pathak, founder of the sanitation charity Sulabh International said India had yet to eradicate open defecation more than two millennia after the problem was described by its great political thinker Kautilya in around 300 BC. The government should offer cheap loans to help people build lavatories and defecating in the open "should be a punishable offence," he said... Telegraph
Il 19-enne scozzese Alexander Lafferty, in possesso di 500 pastiglie di Valium del valore di altrettanti paundi, voleva essere incarcerato perché "stressato". In attesa di perizia psichiatrica, rimarrà in prigione fino al 19 novembre e ha ringraziato il giudice.

Drug dealer called police to arrest him. A drug dealer called the police and gave them his own description before handing himself in, a court has heard. Alexander Lafferty, 19, rang Central Scotland Police and described a drug dealer operating near the Raploch Community Campus. Stirling Sheriff Court heard that when officers arrived Lafferty was there waiting for them. He later told police he wanted to be jailed due to stress. Sheriff Wyllie Robertson remanded him in custody for reports. Prosecutor Ann Orr said an operator at the force's Stirling headquarters received the call from a man who said he wanted to report a drug dealer, who turned out to be himself. The depute fiscal said: "He said he wanted to report that there was a male near the Raploch Community Campus with a bag of 500 Valium tablets and was selling them. He gave a description of a male wearing a grey jumper and a blue top." The court was told that officers went to the campus on Drip Road in Stirling, and found Lafferty standing in a doorway, wearing a grey jumper and blue Adidas T-shirt and holding a bag containing 15 blue tablets. Mrs Orr said he was searched and police found 33 smaller bags on his person, containing another 485 tablets. The court heard the tablets were later tested and confirmed to be 500 Valium tablets with an estimated street value of £500. Miss Orr said that during a police interview Lafferty had confirmed he had called the police, saying he wanted them to come and search him, and that he had done so with the intention of "getting the jail or a remand at least". He said he wanted to be jailed due to stress, and when he was asked what was causing that he said "hunners of different things". Appearing from custody, Lafferty from Raploch in Stirling, pleaded guilty to being concerned in the supply of a controlled drug. Frazer McCready, defending, said: "He phoned the police and told them about a drug dealer, and it was him. It is probably the easiest case that Central Scotland Police have ever had to solve." Mr McCready told Sheriff Wyllie Robertson: "He tells me he wanted to be sent to Polmont (Young Offenders' Institution) and I told him your Lordship would be glad to oblige." Sheriff Robertson deferred sentence for a criminal justice report and psychiatric reports. He told Lafferty he would be remanded in custody until 19 November. Lafferty replied "Excellent. Thank you Sir", before being led to the cells... Bbc
Leonessa ninfomane La leonessa indiana di 10 anni Varol suscita sconcerto tra gli attivisti forestali che l'hanno osservata accoppiarsi ogni due settimane con gli altri tre leoni della zona, a differenza del comportamento abituale degli animali che si trombano ogni 12-18 mesi

Sunday retro fetish

How George Soros conquered the Fourth World

The Unrepresented Nations and Peoples Organization (UNPO) was established in 1991 to represent nations which, failing to possess actual statehood, could not have representation in the United Nations. These "unrepresented" nations and peoples, including nations with secessionist ambitions, have often been referred to as the "Fourth World" to distinguish them from the independent but poor Third World states. Shortly after UNPO was established, with its headquarters in The Hague, the non-governmental organization (NGO) domineering George Soros began to infiltrate UNPO in order to steer its goals into a framework that would not endanger Soros's hedge fund investments and assist with Western destabilization plans for countries like China, Russia, Myanmar, and other nations. In fact, some critics of UNPO point out that its original founders, Tsering Jampa of the Tibetan government-in-exile, the Dalai Lama's lawyer Michael van Walt van Praag, and Uighur separatist leader Erkin Alptekin, formed UNPO as a cover for anti-Chinese separatist activities. In fact, UNPO has expanded its membership to include the separatist Inner Mongolian People's Party, which seeks independence for the Mongol minority in northern China.

The Dalai Lama was key to UNPO's early creation and UNPO patterned its campaign for independence for its members after the Dalai Lama's long campaign for Tibetan independence. UNPO's current president is Tibetan independence activist Ngawang Choepel, a Tibetan musician and filmmaker and former political prisoner whose cause has been supported by such celebrities as Annie Lennox and Paul McCartney. Lennox and McCartney have also supported the cause of the George Soros and U.S. Agency for International Development/National Endowment for Democracy-funded "Pussy Riot" hooligans in Russia.

UNPO's Secretary General is another individual connected to Soros and Sharp activities in Europe and elsewhere, Marino Busdachin, an Italian human rights activist who was involved in demonstrations against Communist rule in Eastern Europe and the Soviet Union in the 1980s. In the 1990s, Busdachin worked in the United States pushing for war crimes tribunals for Yugoslav and Rwandan leaders. Busdachin was a member of the Italian Transnational Radical Party, which has sued the signature Soros/Sharp clenched fist in its party's signage. The party includes separatists from East Turkestan (Uighurstan) in China, Chechnya, southern Vietnam, Laos, Albanian region of Macedonia, and democracy activists from China and Vietnam. The Transnational Radical Party is very much a Soros- and CIA-funded operation. Busdachin has headed UNPO since 2003. His predecessor was Karl von Hapsburg-Lothringen, of the former royal family of Austria-Hungary. Hapsburg is the heir pretender to the Austro-Hungarian Empire throne and a member of the conservative Austrian People's Party.

Where autonomy and separatist movements threaten the financial interests of Soros and his Rothschild family overseers, UNPO has suspended membership. Groups suspended by UNPO include the Australian Aborigines (whose native land is sought by Austrailan and foreign mining interests), the ethnic groups of Burma, Buryatia, the Greek Minority in Albania, Cabinda, Chechnya-Ichkeria, Inkeri, Kalahui Hawaii, Karenni State, Khalistan, Komi, Maasai (Kenya), Mari, Mon, Nahua del Alto Balsas (Mexico), Scania, Shan, Tsimshian, Tuva Republic, and West Papua. After it declared itself independent, the Lakotah Nation's membership was discontinued. Tatarstan, Kumykia, Nuxalk, Maohi, Sakha, Ingushetiam Gagauzia, Chuvashia, Bougainville, Bashkortostan, Aceh, and others also saw their membership discontinued. Active members of UNPO include Tibet, Ahwaz, East Turkestan, Balochistan, Hmong, Inner Mongolia, Kurdistan, Kosovo, Montagnard, Sindh, Somaliland, and South Azerbaijan, regions where the CIA and Soros are very active in destabilization efforts. For Soros and Sharp and their CIA interlocutors, the Fourth World is the same as the Third World when it comes to covert operations and fomenting rebellion.

Uomo vende moglie per liquori 
Il 42-enne Medula Rajender di Malyala, India, ha venduto in una stazione di autobus la 36-enne moglie Ammayi, madre dei loro tre figli, per l'equivalente di meno di cento euri allo scopo di finanziare le proprie abitudini alcoliche

I sessantenni inglesi Michael Foster e Susan Cooper di Long Sutton, Lincolnshitre, hanno coltivato cannabis per sei anni e adesso ne dovranno trascorrere tre in galera, ma delle 400.000 sterline che ne hanno ricavato dalla vendita, la gran parte è andata ai bambini poveri del Kenya, in un villaggio vicino a Mombasa dove erano eroi per avere finanziato scuole e ospedali

Vagina lapidaria 
Il 72-enne serbo Milan Marinkovic ha fatto incidere sulla lapide della moglie la replica della sua vulva per esaudire il desiderio della moglie Milena che lui la ricordasse e non guardasse altre donne

Uomo si incula vibratore di 23 cm
I medici dell'ospedale di Zhongshan, Cina, hanno rimosso con successo il giocattolo erotico dall'intestino, dichiarando che il fenomeno è in aumento e di fare attenzione a quelli troppo grossi

11.721. euri,
cioè circa seimila volte il PIL francese è il conto telefonico ricevuto dalla signora Solenne San Jose, di Pessac, vicino a Bordeaux, dalla compagnia telefonica Bouygues, che per scusarsi e le ha annullato la bolletta giusta, di 117, 21 euri

Sunday retro fetish

Uomo incastrato da cazzo incastrato 
Il 49-enne Gareth Owen Lloyd di Bryn Coed, Galles, è stato condannato a non usare telefoni cellulari per 12 mesi, più 85 paundi di multa, per avere effettuato nell'arco di soli due mesi ben 5.800 chiamate a caso lamentando sempre alle scandalizzate vittime di avere il pene incastrato nei più vari svariati oggetti domestici, dall'aspirapolvere al vasetto della marmellata, finché la polizia è risalita al suo numero

Calcio Bordello
Alla giocatori della squadra amatoriale del Voukefalas di Larissa (Grecia) è stato impedito dalla lega calcio di indossare la maglia del loro sponsor Villa Erotica della 67-enne Soula Alevridou, bordello che ora farà appello

Coda meccanica 
Uno zoo di Pechino ha attacato a un pavone una finta coda motorizzata che si apre a ventaglio per attirare i turisti che posano con lui anche quando non è il suo periodo di riproduzione (primavera), quando lo farebbe naturalmente. Il pavone non è contento e le autorità investigano per crudeltà animale

Uomo sesso-telepatico fa svanire biancheria femminile 
Il 27-enne Clifford Mavete di Zvishavane, Zimbabwe, è auccusato dalla polizia di usare la magia nera per fare sesso con le donne senza alcun contatto fisico. In una affollata stazione di autobus una donna si è sentita eccitata alla fritola e poi scoperto di non indossare più la biancheria intima, rinvenuta in una borsa di Mavete. Mah... Boh...

#179, 18.X.2012


más información cada día en

Pannella e Sherlock Holmes
La prossima settimana non perdetevi su questo blog le avventure dei due grandi detective!
L'Ucraina riprende a usare i delfini "militari"
Le teste di cazzo della marina militare ucraina annunciano come un successo la ripresa di un programma sovietico risalente al 1973 per addestrare dal porto di Sevastopol 10 delfini e altri animali marini in missioni suicide con esplosivi contro mine, navi e sommozzatori nemici. Dopo la caduta dell'Unione sovietica questi delfini rimasti all'Ucraina erano stati impiegati per aiutare i bambini disabili...

Uomo con 1,7 kg di oro nel culo 
Il 65-enne cingalese Mohammed Hasan Nizamuddin è stato sorpreso all'aeroporto di Bangalore (India) con 15 lingottini d'oro del valore di 100mila dollari all'interno di preservativi che si era infilato nell'ano. Ha destato l'attenzione dei doganieri perché "camminava in modo sospetto"

Sindaco cancella consiglio comunale per celebrare matrimonio tra giraffe 
Dragan Palma, sindaco di Jagodina, Serbia, ha celebrato lo sposalizio tra due giraffe allo zoo locale. Personalmente penso che i politici serbi, se davvero ambiziosi di entrare nella Unione europea, potrebbero occuparsi anche nei loro condigli comunali, dei loro 161 criminali di guerra in processo all'Aia, e lasciare in pace almeno le giraffe

'Miracle' spring water caused serious bout of diarrhoea. Thousands of disciples seeking a cure from a so called holy spring said to cure any illness got to the bottom of its miraculous powers when it gave them all diarrhoea. The spring - in Shicangxia, Zhejiang province, eastern China - is famed locally for washing away skin blemishes. But thousands of visitors during China's Moon Festival decided to drink the healing waters instead, only to find themselves stricken with agonising stomach upsets. "People were queuing all through the night to get to the water but then they started to form another queue - for the public toilets," said one local. "We warned them not to drink it but they thought we were trying to keep it to ourselves. When we drink it we boil it first," he added... Austrian Times
Oscar Wilde e Marco Pannella

Durante il fine settimana mi è capitato di ascoltare alla radio il comitato radicale, in particolare un intervento di Marco Pannella, mentre leggevo un libro di aforismi di Oscar Wilde. Non che io voglia vantare di essere così intelligente da riuscire a fare le due cose contemporaneamente, anzi quello casomai è proprio il geniale Pannellone, che mentre parla riesce al tempo stesso a calcolare il numero di quanti lo stanno ascoltando via Radio radicale. Come possa farlo dovrebbe rimanere un segreto, ma se ogni tanto non sveliamo qualche segreto, allora a che cosa servono i blog? Ebbene il Grande capo indiano Penna bianca usa un metodo molto semplice: durante le sue prolusioni conta il numero di presenti in sala e lo moltiplica per pi greco.

Così se, poniamo il caso, gli astanti sono 398 (il numero di dirigenti comitanti è solitamente coincidente con quello di iscritti al partito), significa che in quel momento sono esattamente 1250,318 gli ascoltatori della radio - lo 0,318 essendo rappresentato da me, che distratta dalla lettura riesco vagamente a captare qua e là dei riferimenti a Ernesto Rossi e Mario Pannunzio intervallati dall'immancabile Romolo Murri (pardon, stavo per dimenticare Spinelli), più i bipolari gravi Churchill e Cossiga e un altro presidente della repubblica, Scalfaro, col quale pare sia meno incazzato rispetto all'attuale.

I comitanti radicali presenti in sala - riuniti in questa occasione per discutere se non presentarsi alle elezioni oppure non lanciare una campagna referendaria oppure non fare né l'una né l'altra cosa -, tradizionalmente concorrono al Guinness dei primati per masochistica comitativite compulsiva e per la capacità di fingere di capire qualcosa, un filo logico nelle torrenziali orazioni pannelliane. Sorprende che partecipino ai comitati anche persone di grande saggezza e spessore culturale come Spadaccia o Strik-Lievers, persone già seriamente impegnate nelle rispettive attività durante la settimana lavorativa e poi si rovinano il weekend nel cercare di interpretare il Grande capo indiano per il popolino comitante, questo davvero encomiabile per entusiasmo e resistenza, ma che farebbe migliore uso del suo tempo nell'opera pia di accompagnare al cinema o in gita gli sventurati Spadaccia e Strik-Lievers.

Quanto a me, la confusione mentale provocata dal sottofondo radiofonico durante la lettura di Wilde è risultata nella riscrittura di alcuni aforismi del famoso dandy britannico, che all'epoca non poteva sapere che avrebbe avuto molte cose in comune col nostro leader maximo. Vediamone una decina in ordine alfabetico, cominciando dalla composizione psico-chimica:

Biologia e psichiatria

Pannella è un complesso di nervi e di fibre e di cellule lentamente formate, ove il pensiero si cela e la passione sogna i suoi sogni. Un Pannella oratoriamente ordinato è sintomo di una mente malata.

Coerenza e sincerità
La coerenza è l'ultimo rifugio di chi è privo di Pannella, e non si è mai tanto sinceri come quando si è incoerenti, ma ciò che chiamiamo insincerità è semplicemente un modo attraverso cui Pannella riesce a moltiplicare la propria personalità. Quando si propone un'idea a Pannella - il che è sempre una cosa avventata da farsi -, egli non si sogna di valutare se l'idea sia giusta o sbagliata. L'unica cosa che considera di qualche importanza è se chi l'espone ci crede personalmente. Ciò può sembrare contraddittorio: le persone educate come Spadaccia e Strik-Lievers contraddicono gli altri, Pannella contraddice sé stesso.

Comitati romani
Rivolgiti a Pannella come se lo amassi e a tutti gli altri comitanti come se ti annoiassero: alla fine della stagione, avrai la reputazione di possedere il più perfetto istinto radicale. Nella vita di Partito l'affetto nasce quando i comitanti assolutamente si detestano. Un uomo che sappia dominare gli invitati a un comitato romano può dominare il mondo: il futuro appartiene a Pannella.

Fedeltà e tentazioni
La fedeltà a Pannella è per la vita politica ciò che la coerenza è per la vita intellettuale: semplicemente un'ammissione di fallimento. I segretari di Partito particolarmente belli come Cappato appartengono alla malavita. Rimanendo persistentemente scapolo, Pannella converte sé stesso in una tentazione pubblica permanente. Il mondo è stato fatto per Pannella, e non per le donne. Solo Pannella è degno di essere profanato. Coloro che fuggono da Pannella di solito gli lasciano il loro nuovo indirizzo.

Pannella e Bonino

Nella Chiesa radicale uomini e donne ottengono successo non per la loro capacità di credere, ma per la loro capacità di non credere. La nostra è l'unica Chiesa dove Bonino sta sull'altare e dove Pannella è visto come l'apostolo ideale. Oggi è pericolosissimo per una Bonino manifestare attenzioni a Pannella in pubblico. Ciò fa sempre pensare ai comitanti che lo maltratti in privato, tanta è l'incredulità del mondo radicale nei confronti di ciò che ha l'apparenza della felicità coniugale. Molti matrimoni al giorno d'oggi vanno a finire male per la ragionevolezza delle Bonino più che per qualsiasi altra cosa. Come può Pannella essere felice con una Bonino che insiste nel trattarlo come un essere perfettamente razionale? La causa dei divorzi sono i matrimoni. Lo Statuto del Partito inizia con l'immagine di un Pannella e una Bonino nel giardino dell'Eden. Termina con l'Apocalisse.

Pannella e Suttora

Oggi, ogni grand'uomo ha i suoi discepoli, ed è sempre Giuda che gli scrive la biografia.

Pannella femminile
Il maschio radicale boniniano, povera, goffa, ingenua creatura, appartiene a un sesso che è stato razionale per milioni di comitati. Non può evitare di esserlo, è la sua natura. La storia delle Pannelle è assai diversa. Noi Pannelle siamo sempre state pittoresche proteste contro la semplice esistenza del buon senso. Ne abbiamo visto i pericoli fin dall'inizio. La storia delle Pannelle è la storia della peggiore forma di tirannia che il mondo abbia conosciuto: quella del debole che domina il forte. Gli uomini comitanti bramano sempre essere il primo amore di una Pannella, e questo è l'effetto della loro stupida vanità. Noi Pannelle abbiamo un istinto più sottile. Ciò che ci piace essere... è l'ultima storia d'amore di un uomo. Non bisognerebbe mai cercare di capire una Pannella. Le Pannelle sono delle immagini; i comitanti sono dei problemi. Se vuoi sapere che cosa una Pannella veramente intenda, guardala e non ascoltarla.

Pannella fumatore
Smettere di fumare è semplicissimo. Pannella, per esempio, ha smesso milioni di volte. Una sigaretta è il prototipo perfetto di un perfetto piacere. E' squisita e lascia insoddisfatti. Che cosa si può volere di più?

Pannella su Sé stesso
Tutte le volte che i comitanti sono d'accordo con me ho sempre la sensazione di avere torto. Non ho nulla da dichiarare tranne il mio genio. Spesso sostengo lunghe conversazioni con me stesso e sono così intelligente che a volte non capisco nemmeno una parola di quello che dico. Mi diverto a parlare di politica. Ne parlo tutto il giorno. Ma non posso sentirne parlare. Non so come gli sventurati membri del comitato riescano a sopportare i miei interventi. Adoro gli altri partiti politici: sono gli unici luoghi rimasti dove la gente non parla di politica.

Verità e serietà
Non si dovrebbe mai parteggiare per nulla... Prendere una parte è il primo passo verso la sincerità, la serietà segue subito dopo e Pannella diventa un seccatore. E' perfettamente mostruoso ciò che fa Pannella al giorno d'oggi quando passeggia: dire, alle spalle degli altri, delle cose che sono assolutamente vere. E' una cosa terribile per un Pannella scoprire improvvisamente che per tutta la vita egli non ha detto altro che la verità. Pannella è una cosa troppo importante per poterne parlare seriamente.

Panda cub fooled by zoo workers wearing dodgy panda bear outfits

Keepers wearing slightly unrealistic panda bear outfits were enough to fool the baby panda into thinking he was among friends… and ready to start a new life. Tao Tao, the first captive panda born in a semi-wild reserve in China, has never seen a human face so conservationists wore panda suits to release him and mother Cao Cao into the wild. The keepers approached the two-year-old carefully and placed him in a wooden box at the panda wild training base. On release, Tao Tao seemed unafraid of the strange figures who walked behind as he took his first steps through his new home in dense bamboo undergrowth high in the mountains in Wolong, in southwest China’s Sichuan Province.Keepers have always dressed in panda suits while around him in the hope that he would adapt to the wild. When he was six months old he and his mother Cao Cao were moved into a large mountainous area for intensive wild habitat training. This proved a success and the pair were moved to an even wilder area where they had more freedom. Over the last few years Tao Tao has been learning all the behaviours andas need in the wild, such as walking, climbing trees and looking for food. To keep track of him in the wild, and see how well he is adapting, Tao Tao has been fitted with a traceable ID chip and a GPS collar. Following the success of the programme there are now plans to release six more pregnant female pandas into semi wild enclosures.
Elderly lady died after accidentally being injected with soup in hospital. An 88-year-old woman admitted to the Santa Casa de Barra Mansa hospital in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, died after an employee injected soup into her vein. The hospital board acknowledged the error, but does not believe that this caused the death. The funeral took place on Tuesday in the chapel of the municipal cemetery. "We are all angry and we want justice to be done and that does not happen to anyone else," said a relative.  Ilda Vitor Maciel was hospitalised on Sept. 27.She had had a stroke that paralyzed half his body. Her children say she had shown signs of improvement. "I talked to her on Sunday, she understood what I was talking to her. I took my hand in her hand and she squeezed with a force," said her grandson Mauro Maciel. "She was injected into the vein. After being injected she began to convulse and put her tongue out. I was frightened and I went and called the nurse," said her daughter. She was treated, but died 12 hours later. A doctor said the probable cause of death was a pulmonary embolism, when the veins are obstructed the lungs. An official acknowledged the error, but does not believe it is related to the seizure or to the patient's death. They await the outcome of a report, which should be ready in 30 days... Globo

Boy hanged himself after little brother wouldn't let him change TV channel

A 13-year-old boy in Bhopal, India, allegedly committed suicide after a row with his younger brother over changing television channels. The deceased wanted to watch another channel while his brother insisted on watching a cartoon channel.Upset over younger brother's insistence, the elder brother went to another room and reportedly hanged himself. The deceased, identified as Pandi, was the son of Shetty Rao, a resident of N2, B sector in BHEL township. His parents had gone to a weekly market. Pandi and with his younger brother, Anees, aged 9, were watching TV at home. According to the police, the dispute began when Anees refused to listen to his elder brother, who wanted to change the channel. Pandi first broke the glass of a cupboard, then went in another room and committed suicide by hanging himself. The incident came to light when their parents returned. On finding Anees crying, they asked him the reason to which he pointed to the other room. The parents were shocked to find Pandi hanging. Police did not find a suicide note... Times of India

Sunday retro fetish

Le trasmissioni riprendono, scusandomi per l'interruzione, con una novità compensatoria del momentaneo disservizio
Man returned home from prison to find mummified body of wife. A Spanish man returning home from prison found his wife mummified on her bed. A judge had denied Eduardo Ruiz entry to the home, in Ciempozuelos, near Madrid, but he knocked down the door last week after not hearing from his wife Angeles Fernandez for more than a year. "When I came in, I thought there was a doll on the bed," Ruiz said. "And there she was on top of the bed like a mummy." He said one of his children had visited Ms Fernandez once in three years but authorities had ignored his requests that someone check on her. Neighbours noticed a bad smell coming from the home, but the judge reportedly denied authorities entry because odour complaints had been common since the woman moved into the building. "The lack of hygiene ... (of) Angeles Fernandez, on the last occasions that she was seen, were evident and so it was not ruled out that these smells were produced by lack of hygiene inside the home," authorities said. The judge had reportedly said Ruiz could not visit his wife because he was in prison and did not have a relationship with her. Ruiz complained to police in 2011 that he had not heard from his wife for more than a year, but witnesses at the time had seen her at several local festivals. The woman's body showed no signs of violence, but an autopsy will be performed to determine the cause of her death... Msn
Api producono miele colorato
Un impianto a biogas di Ribeauville, Francia, che processa i rifiuti di una vicina fabbrica di cioccolato Mars, sarebbe responsabile del miele verde e blu prodotto dalle api locali

Uomo ustionato e investito
Un 51-enne canadese di Kamloops, British Comunbia, intossicato dall'alcol si è addormentato fumando e incendiando l'erba. Nonostante le gravi ustioni al risveglio ha preso una bicicletta sulla quale è stato investito da un treno, sopravvivendo
Masturbatore ricercato
La polizia di Phuket Town, Thailandia, è alla caccia di un ignoto segaiolo che per quattro volte in tre giorni si è esibito manualmente al personale femminile di un ristorante locale per poi fuggire in auto. Foto purtroppo non disponibile

Thai police hunt serial masturbator harassing restaurant staff. Phuket City Police are searching for a man wanted for sexually harassing restaurant staff in Phuket Town after he exposed himself and masturbated in front of them four times in three days. “We have launched a search for him, but we have yet to find him. Our officers have been alerted to the car’s licence plate number and have been searching areas around night entertainment venues - Phuket City Police Superintendent Sermphan Sirikong said - We have caught a few people, parked along the bypass road, who were masturbating in their vehicles, but none of them were the man we are looking for,” he added. The news follows a restaurant owner in Phuket Town making a public appeal for people to beware of a man who has repeatedly exposed himself in front of her Burmese staff and masturbated in front of them. One of those times, he walked up to one of my staff members, pulled out his ‘thing’ and started masturbating right in front of her. When the staff member saw what he was doing and screamed, he ran back to his car and sped off,” she explained. Staff at the restaurant described the masturbator as a well-dressed, good-looking Thai man in his 30s, driving a car fitted with Bangkok licence plates... Phuket gazette
Niente donne nel catalogo IKEA per l'Arabia saudita
La multinazionale svedese ha ripulito le immagini del suo catalogo che ritraggono donne nella sua versione per il reame saudita. La ministra svedese per il commercio non è contenta: "è un triste esempio che c'è una lunga strada verso l'eguaglianza tra uomini e donne in Arabia saudita".

IKEA airbrushes women from Saudi Arabian catalogue 
Previously, the catalogue of the world’s largest furniture retailer IKEA was identical all over the world, but there was a noticeable difference in a recent Saudi Arabian version, however, which airbrushed all the women and most girls from its pages. The pictures in the Saudi catalogue display the same interiors and products. Sweden's Minister of Trade Ewa Björling argues that the retouched images are a "sad example that shows that there is a long way to go in terms of equality between men and women in Saudi Arabia. Women cannot be retouched away in reality. If Saudi Arabia does not allow women to appear [in public] or work, they lose about half their intellectual capital," she said.
Man who robbed two banks called police for help while standing outside third 
Police said Florida man William Richard Kane III robbed a bank on Wednesday morning. Then, they said, he did the same thing on Thursday morning.On Friday morning, he was about to rob a third bank, they said, when something stopped him. Kane called 911. The 51-year-old Oldsmar resident said he was stressed out and tired. "He told dispatchers he wanted to go back to rehab," said St. Petersburg police spokesman Mike Puetz. "He'd fallen off the wagon." He also told the officers who arrived at the Wells Fargo Bank at 4125 Fourth St. N at about 10:15 a.m. on Friday that he was depressed and suicidal. Kane is addicted to crack cocaine, Puetz said. Officers said Kane admitted to robbing St. Petersburg's First Bank at 6850 Central Ave. on Wednesday and then robbing the Chase Bank at 7360 U.S. 19 in Pinellas Park on Thursday. He was charged with two counts of robbery with a deadly weapon and is being held in the county jail in lieu of $100,000 bail... Tampa Bay
Polar bear attacked drunken lady with chicken legs 
A polar bear attacked a woman who, after drinking too much alcohol, decided to feed the "clumsy" bear with chicken legs. The incident took place in the Chaunsky district of Chukotka, Russia's Far East. A policeman, who heard cries for help, saved the compassionate lady from the claws of the bear. The incident occurred in the village Yanranay. Sergei Terekhov, an assistant to police precinct, heard the screams. The man grabbed a gun and ran out into the street. He saw a polar bear dragging the victim to the side of the tundra. The police officer wounded the animal with his first shot. The woman then managed crawled a few metres away from the predator. This made it possible to make another shot, which killed the bear. The woman was immediately sent to hospital. Doctors said that her life was out of danger: several bite wounds had been treated and stitched.The villagers had been warned of possible appearance of polar bears in the area. A few days ago, a bear roamed into the village, but was driven out of the settlement. Local residents were asked to have their weapons at the ready, and not to go out unless necessary. However, the woman did not listen to the recommendations. Moreover, having spotted the polar bear among garbage bins. The victim admitted that she had taken alcohol prior to the incident "so the inadequacy of her behaviour was understandable... Pravda

Sunday retro fetish

Honest taxi driver who returned £6,000 cash given £1.68 reward 
An honest taxi driver in Dubai who returned Dh36,000 (£6,050, $9,800) to a passenger left behind in his cab received a reward of Dh10 (£1.68, $2.72) in return. But the small reward doesn’t bother him, says Shaaban Ali, the Pakistani cab driver, employed with Arabia Taxi. “I have to admit I felt a little bad because I spent a lot of time trying to track the passenger down and even spent more than an hour waiting at our office for him to come and collect the money. But I would have returned the money with or without the reward, so it doesn’t matter. The incident happened a few days ago. Ali’s cab was hailed by the passenger, a Saudi Arabian national, to go from Al Ghusais to Gold souq. After leaving him at the destination, Ali took another passenger. Along the way, he noticed the bag, close to the door. After doing a few rounds of the area searching for the passenger without luck, Ali took the bag to his office. “The bag contained Dh36,000, the man’s passport and some other documents.” After he was informed, the passenger came to the office an hour later and collected his belongings... Gulf news

Efficenza polacca
La brillante polizia dello sfortunato Paese ha rilasciato questo DETTAGLIATO IDENTIKIT di un rapinatore, e per di più ha reso noto per sbaglio il nome dell'unico testimone, ora costretto sotto protezione

Smoking Indonesian orangutan gives birth 
An orangutan famous for puffing on cigarettes gave birth this week at an Indonesian zoo, an official said on Friday, in a rare event giving a boon to the critically endangered species. Tori, 15, gave birth on Wednesday in the central Javanese city of Solo, Taru Jurug Zoo director Lilik Kristanto told AFP. "The delivery took place naturally without human intervention," he said. Visitors had for 10 years tossed cigarettes to the famous smoking orangutan, who was moved in July to a 200-metre island at the zoo to force her to quit cold turkey. Kristanto said Tori gave birth on the island, where she is being kept with her mate and baby. "We're very happy. The baby is healthy and Tori is a good mother," he said, adding that the orangutan smoked through most of her pregnancy. Tori mated with a 20-year-old orangutan in November 2011 and the birth is the first at the zoo since Tori was born. "Orangutans are critically endangered, so this is good news for conservation. We have another young orangutan pair here, so I hope there will be more orangutan babies here in the future," he said. Indonesian zoos have drawn international criticism for poor treatment of animals. In March, a giraffe at an eastern Java zoo was found dead with a 20-kilogram (44-pound) beachball-size lump of plastic in its stomach from visitors' food wrappers thrown into its pen. Experts believe that between 50,000 and 60,000 of the two orangutan species are left in the wild, 80 percent of them in Indonesia and the rest in Malaysia. Orangutans are faced with extinction from poaching and the rapid destruction of their forest habitat, driven largely by palm oil and paper plantations... Afp
Il ventenne Gangaram Narsingh Ghadge di Thane, India, che stava cercando di liberare lo scarico dell'acqua dalle forti pioggie, è stato aggredito da una famiglia di otto vicini di casa perché ciò causava l'allagamento della loro vicina abitazione, e gli hanno strizzato le palle così forte da causarne il decesso per lo choc neuro-cardiaco

Man died after neighbour squeezed his testicles
A 20-year-old man died in Thane, India, after a neighbour squeezed his testicles during a dispute over a blocked drain. The incident took place at Mafatlal Nagar in Kalwa, Thane, at around 3.30pm on Tuesday. According to the Kalwa police, the victim, identified as Gangaram Narsingh Ghadge, lived at Mafatlal Nagar with his elderly mother. After Monday's heavy rains, a drain near Ghadge's house had clogged up, and he and his mother were busy trying to unblock it when neighbours confronted them. Omkar (45) and Anguri Pawar (40) told him to stop cleaning the drain as this was causing the water to flow towards their house. Ghadge did not listen to them and carried on cleaning, so the infuriated neighbours started abusing him and his mother. "Ghadge asked the husband and wife to mind their language and not abuse his mother, which angered them even more. Omkar and Anguri started assaulting Ghadge but he overpowered them. The Pawar's sons Manoj (22) and Rajesh (21), their friend Riyasat Ansari (22), and three others then attacked Ghadge," said Prakash Kilewad, senior police inspector at Dharavi police station. He added, "The accused kept attacking Ghadge, and Anguri squeezed his testicles. Ghadge cried in pain but she kept squeezing till he fell to the ground unconscious. Locals rushed him to Chhatrapati Shivaji hospital, where he was declared dead before admission." According to doctors at Chhatrapati Shivaji Hospital, Ghadge's genitals were swollen when he was taken there. A post mortem was conducted on Tuesday evening, after which doctors told the police that the cause of death seems to be severe injury to the genitals. The police have charged eight people, of which five have been arrested while three have absconded. According to senior physician Dr Krishnakant Dhebri, the testicles are the most sensitive organs in a man's body. "Any severe trauma or injury to the testicles can cause vasovagal shock, which can even lead to death," said Dr Dhebri. Vasavagal shock, also known as neurogenic shock, is caused by a strong physical or emotional stimulus that causes widespread vasodilation (widening of blood vessels) and bradycardia (disorder of the heart rate)... Mumbai Mirror
Pompieri in soccorso di uomo con testa incastrata in bidone della spazzatura

Firefighters called to rescue man with head stuck in bin.